Environment: Time
Spending time on literacy instruction is critical to the growth and development of your readers and writers.
Your literacy block should include large group, small group, and individual instruction, incorporating the gradual release of responsibility model of teaching and learning. In this model, familiarly known as “I do, we do, you do,” instruction moves from teacher modeling to guided practice to independent practice by the children. Ample time and varied opportunities to read and write allow children to grow their skills. In order to maximize the use of your time, be thoughtful in how you use it. Establish a purpose for every lesson, reflect on child engagement, make connections across concepts and practices, and increase time spent on instructional (vs. non-instructional) tasks. In an environment where time is well managed, teacher and children value the opportunities they have to learn.Checklist for Maximizing Instructional Time
We all wish there were more hours in the day to get things done. Struggling with trying to “fit it all in” can be stressful. One way you can maximize instructional time is to make sure your children understand your procedures and that they run smoothly. Review the following list of strategies for maximizing time. Use a “check mark” if this is happening in your room. Use a “star” if you need to revisit this procedure.
__ The children follow an efficient and purposeful procedure at arrival (e.g., hang up coat, unpack, take out a book and read).
__ Children have responsibilities for things like sharpening pencils, getting materials ready for the day, and turning in lunch count.
__ Children use signals for tissues, the water fountain, and the bathroom.
__ Children have classroom jobs that help to minimize distractions such as paper passer, materials manager, and phone answerer.
__ Children have rehearsed and understand all transitions (e.g., how to line up, come to the rug, etc.).
__ Anchor charts are available for all relevant procedures and transitions.
__ Children know how to use anchor charts to support their independent work (e.g., What to Do When You’re Done, Strategies for Spelling Unfamiliar Words).
__ Children follow an efficient and purposeful procedure at dismissal (e.g., pack up, stack chair, come to the rug for poetry readings and good-bye songs).
Instructional Practices within a Literacy Block
Your literacy block should allow for a gradual release of responsibility in which children observe demonstrations, take part in opportunities for guided practice, and independently apply what they have learned. Instructional practices to include in your literacy block are:
Reading Aloud
The teacher reads aloud a text to the children, modeling appropriate fluency and pacing. This practice is considered “intentional” when it is purposefully planned to teach a literacy skill or strategy.
Shared Reading
Teacher and children are reading a text together. The children try to match the teacher’s pacing and expression so they can practice fluent reading.
Guided Reading
The teacher scaffolds the reading of an instructional level text during small group instruction. Children are grouped together by similar reading levels, needs, and interests.
Independent Reading
Children read self-selected text at their own independent levels. They are applying the skills and strategies of effective readers (modeled by the teacher in mini-lessons).
Modeled Writing
The teacher demonstrates one or more of the steps in the writing process while writing in front of the children.
Shared Writing
The teacher and children share in planning, composing, revising, and/or editing a piece of writing. The teacher models the actual composition.
Interactive Writing
The teacher and children share in planning, composing, revising, and/or editing a piece of writing. Also referred to as “sharing the pen,” as the children will actually do some or most of the writing in front of the group.
Independent Writing
Children write on self-selected topics. They are applying the skills and strategies of effective writers (modeled by the teacher in mini-lessons).
Guided Writing
The teacher scaffolds the writing of a text with a small group of children. Children are grouped together by similar writing levels, needs, and interests.
Word Study
Children use hands on activities to build their understanding of letters, sounds, and spelling patterns.
Literacy Block Samples
The literacy block is a special time of day. During a balanced and comprehensive literacy block, children will have time to see you model reading and writing skills and strategies, receive guided practice in using these skills and also have time to independently apply them. They will have time to work alone, in partnerships, and with the entire classroom community.
The following suggested literacy blocks take into account children’s age and developmental needs; shorter blocks of time are set aside for younger children but grow through the grade levels. Use these sample literacy blocks to guide the creation of your own, taking into account the needs of your children and your district requirements.
Kindergarten Literacy Block
Daily Time | Daily Instructional Component |
15 minutes | Intentional Read Aloud |
15 minutes | Modeled Writing/Shared Reading/MTP |
35-50 minutes | Literacy Centers/Guided Reading |
10 minutes | Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study |
30 minutes | Reading Workshop |
30 minutes | Writing Workshop |
Kindergarten Weekly Sample Schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Intentional Read Aloud (15) Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (50) Message Time Plus (15) Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study (10) Reading Workshop (30) |
Intentional Read Aloud (15) Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (45) Reading Workshop (30) Writing Workshop (30) |
Intentional Read Aloud (15) Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (50) Message Time Plus (15) Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study (10) Writing Workshop (30) |
Intentional Read Aloud (15) Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (50) Reading Workshop (30) Writing Workshop (30) |
Intentional Read Aloud (15) Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (45) Message Time Plus (15) Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study (10) RW or Writing Workshop (30) |
1st Grade Literacy Block
Daily Time | Daily Instructional Component |
15 minutes | Intentional Read Aloud |
15 minutes | Modeled Writing/Shared Reading/MTP |
35 - 40 minutes | Literacy Centers/Guided Reading |
15 minutes | Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study |
35 minutes | Reading Workshop |
35 minutes | Writing Workshop |
1st Grade Weekly Sample Schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Intentional Read Aloud (15) Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (40) Message Time Plus (15) Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study (15) Reading Workshop (35) |
Intentional Read Aloud (15) Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (35) Reading Workshop (35) Writing Workshop (35) |
Intentional Read Aloud (15) Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (40) Message Time Plus (15) Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study (15) Writing Workshop (35)
Intentional Read Aloud (15) Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (35) Reading Workshop (35) Writing Workshop (35) |
Intentional Read Aloud (15) Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (35) Message Time Plus (15) Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study (15) Writing Workshop (35) |
2nd Grade Literacy Block
Daily Time | Daily Instructional Component |
20 minutes | Intentional Read Aloud |
20 minutes | Modeled Writing/Shared Reading/MTP |
40-60 minutes | Reading Workshop (RW)/Literacy Centers/Guided Reading |
20 minutes | Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study |
40 minutes | Writing Workshop |
2nd Grade Sample Weekly Schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Intentional Read Aloud (20) RW/Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (60) Message Time Plus (20) Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study (20) |
Intentional Read Aloud (20) RW/Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (60) Writing Workshop (40) |
Intentional Read Aloud (20) RW/Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (60) Message Time Plus (20) Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study (20) |
Intentional Read Aloud (20) RW/Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (60) Writing Workshop (40) |
Intentional Read Aloud (20) RW/Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (40) Message Time Plus or Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study (20) Writing Workshop (40) |
3rd Grade Literacy Block
Daily Time | Daily Instructional Component |
20 minutes | Intentional Read Aloud |
20 minutes | Modeled Writing/Shared Reading/MTP |
40-60 minutes | Reading Workshop (RW)/Literacy Centers/Guided Reading |
20 minutes | Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study |
40 minutes | Writing Workshop |
3rd Grade Sample Weekly Schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Intentional Read Aloud (20) RW/Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (60) Message Time Plus (20) Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study (20) |
Intentional Read Aloud (20) RW/Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (60) Writing Workshop (40) |
Intentional Read Aloud (20) RW/Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (60) Message Time Plus (20) Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study (20) |
Intentional Read Aloud (20) RW/Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (60) Writing Workshop (40) |
Intentional Read Aloud (20) RW/Literacy Centers/Guided Reading (40) Message Time Plus or Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word Study (20) Writing Workshop (40) |
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